I'm using Kotest's data class matchers to compare ...
# kotest
I'm using Kotest's data class matchers to compare two data classes that each contain a field with an instance of a sealed class. While the sealed class instances are different, their data is the same. This makes the test fail. Is this expected? I would have assumed sealed class properties should be compared by their values, just like nested data classes.
Only fields are used. Are you sure they're exactly the same ?
I'm seeing this as part of Kotest's data class diff output:
Copy code
referenceCategory=OTHER, referenceType=org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.spdx.model.SpdxExternalReference$Type$Other@aa32f88, referenceLocator=acmecorp/acmenator/4.1.3-alpha), 
referenceCategory=OTHER, referenceType=org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.spdx.model.SpdxExternalReference$Type$Other@67eaebca, referenceLocator=acmecorp/acmenator/4.1.3-alpha),
where "Other" is a sealed class
and these seem to be compared by instance, not by fields...
Looks like it's just a sealed class? For data classes there's auto generated equals method, but that's not the case for arbitrary sealed classes
Right, which is why I was assuming Kotest would compare the properties of a sealed class manually...
Why not mark
as a data class if you need auto-generated equals by properties? it doesn’t feel like it would sense to automatically compare any sealed class within the same hierarchy using properties by default
What do you mean by "mark"? Just "declare"? Well, of course there's a reason why
is a sealed class... we need some sort of enum there. And we usually do not need property-equality for this class, other than the Kotest use-case. That said, should it work if I override equals / hashcode for the sealed class?
Sealed and data are not mutually exclusive.
sealed data class
could be used. Anyway, I think adding equals / hash code should also do the trick
Oh, I need to check
sealed data class
then, thanks!
Ah, sorry, you probably mean the nested class to be a data class!
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