Is it possible to write a data driven test using S...
# kotest
Is it possible to write a data driven test using StringSpec, wrapping it in a context? So far I’ve only been able to make it work only like this:
Copy code
class PriceSpec : StringSpec({
        nameFn = { "goods=${it.goods}" },
        // data rows
    ) { (goods, total) ->
        price(goods) shouldBe total

    "test incremental" {
Originally there were 2 tests, then I transformed the first into a ddt, but I lost its name wrapping the generated cases. I would like to give a name to the ddt, but If I put the withData() declaration inside a string block it’ll fail at runtime, and if I wrap it with a context(“name”) as shown in the docs, only the second test will be executed. What am I doing wrong?
Ok, I was able to achieve it using FreeSpec!
FreeSpec is just String spec that allows parents basically
StringSpec prob shouldn't exist
Thanks, realized it only after reading some finer details about withData() usage: it can’t be used inside leaf blocks, which are those provided by StringSpec. So for whomever is reading: I made it work with FreeSpec like this:
Copy code
"test totals" - { // container block -> OK
        nameFn = { "goods=${it.goods}" },
        // data rows
    ) { (goods, total) ->
        price(goods) shouldBe total

"test incremental" { // leaf block, same as in StringSpec
👍 1
Yep that's exactly right
👍 1