Let me try to tackle tomorrow the problem of `Name...
# python-contributors
Let me try to tackle tomorrow the problem of
NameError: name 'Object_create' is not defined
, it's top 1 of box tests failure reasons
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something urgent came up at work, I cannot work on it today 🙈 Sergei, if you like this problem, feel free to take it
No problem! I'm continuing with new testing. Feel free to work on that Object_create task when you are available
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I dug a bit deeper deeper and the
issue reaches as deep as to the standard library: https://github.com/krzema12/kotlin-python/wiki/Notes-on-getting-rid-of-%22NameError:-name-'Object_create'-is-not-defined%22 I guess next time I'll start learning how the stdlib for JS is created and how one should look for Python 😅
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(shared my notes on wiki in case you have any thoughts)
in function, if
is not known, remove it from any calls
This is not that simple I guess... In general case, this means our code doesn't use the correct parameter name. Here, for example,
is hardcoded: https://github.com/krzema12/kotlin-python/blob/7661c014451b1f2bd4eb6e1302b81df8a96[
Yeah, we'll need to sort out all this stuff related to
and inheritance :D
Nice research! I almost haven't taken a look into lowerings; my focus is on the final ir2py for some reason. AFAIR I've only disabled some lowerings...
the time has come to look at them đŸ€Ł I mean, some them work fine for Python, but some of the like here are too JS-specific and they simply need adjusting. I'll take care of it next time I have a chance. Today I wanted to try out some idea, so I modified the code in the above file, but it wasn't reflected in the out_ir.py đŸ€” I'd be grateful if you could check on your side if you see the same (not urgent).
Sure, I can take a look on Friday. Is there any specific kind of change you want me to try? I can, for example, try to change the generated function name: SecondaryCtorLowering.kt#L174
sounds cool, I tried very similar kind of change change (replacing some string that is visible in the output)
loading 1
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I managed to design how the secondary constructors can be emulated, see Iteration 2: https://github.com/krzema12/kotlin-python/wiki/Notes-on-getting-rid-of-%22NameError:-name-'Object_create'-is-not-defined%22#iteration-2 . It's fairly simple and reuses a lot from JS. Python doesn't have secondary constructors, and the closest pythonic thing I found are class methods (
). Since we already have some JS lowering code, I'll give this path a shot. It's actually pretty similar to
, the difference is cosmetical.
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Thanks, now I understand the problems we have now. We can postpone
for a bit later, right? We can now use just those global functions generated already, but need to adjust them. Also, it seems we can get rid of
functions and use only
ones. The need of
ones seem to be caused by JS specifics, IIUC. --- By the way, also there is
mask0 & 2 == 0
stuff – it's probably because there is a lowering that changes default arguments to this. In Python, we can try using Python's native default args, but I doubt we need to handle it now...
android dance 1
True, everything what you wrote makes sense :D I'll try to solve it with least effort first and we'll see if it's enough for now 👍
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I just checked the issue with editing lowering code - it works on my private laptop o.O so no need to check on your side, thanks!
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Almost got it working, I only need to solve one kind of regression. Python is weird, there's another syntax for calling base class's constructor and just a regular class's constructor. I need to deal with it and conditionally produce different code đŸ€·
Python is weird, there's another syntax for calling base class's constructor and just a regular class's constructor
Interesting: could you show an example or clarify it please? For now, I guess it's the same in Kotlin: we call a constructor of a base class via
: super(args)
, but a regular object creation is
. Maybe you are talking about something else...
A.__init__(self, someArg)
. From the perspective of IR, both are constructor calls, but we need to produce the right form of Python depending on the context. The first one should be used if called from within another
I'm not good at Python, so if you see a way to simplify it or make it right other way than I write, please let me know :)
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No problem. I need some time to think, though... Your PR isn't trivial for me, remembering that it's the end of a working day 😅 Don't you mind if I postpone it to Friday?
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Sure thing, with my message i didn't mean to put any pressure :) just shared my today's findings
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Hey Piotr, I have taken a look. I've caught a compilation crash, written about it in the PR.
A.__init__(self, someArg)
From the perspective of IR, both are constructor calls, but we need to
produce the right form of Python depending on the context. The first one
should be used if called from within another
I guess the first one is
and the last one is just
(tell me if I'm wrong, I'll think again). AFAIU we have
in both places so we compile both places identically and this is our problem. Two ideas how we can solve this problem: 1. I see in
there is
call, maybe we can add one more transformer in this lowering that will transform
? This way, it will be compiled without
later. 2. Maybe there is different
, so we can use a condition to understand how to compile:
A.__init__(self, someArg)
. Other ideas would be to take a look at other lowerings, for example: 3. maybe
can help us (or if it's not needed for us, it's a good moment to remove this JS stuff 😅). 4. maybe initial IR clearly differentiates between
but some lowering is called before
and transforms
, maybe if there is such place, it needs to be adjusted.
Thanks a lot for your insights! I already checked idea #2 last week and it didn't lead me to anything - the origin wasn't different in a way that would help (unless I overlooked something). I think I'll go with idea #4, that is: checking the pre-lowerings IR. Long-term, it makes sense to understand stuff from the beginning rather than patching existing JS lowering.
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