Piotr and I have some questions regarding so calle...
# python-contributors
Piotr and I have some questions regarding so called "PIR": What is it? Is it safe to disable it? I see disabling it doesn't spoil anything visible. Only
dir stops to be generated during box testing
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And a follow-up question: how does it relate to our Python backend? :)
this gave me some clue:
Copy code
val generatePir by generator("org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.persistentIrGenerator.MainKt", mainSourceSet)
PIR = Persistent IR? I understand "persistent" as something that can be persisted aka. serialized and stored somewhere
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@dmitriy.novozhilov could you help here?
Actually I don't know nothing about it. Maybe @udalov can help?
Yes, it’s the persistent IR, which can be used to get a view of any declaration at a time of any lowering. It’s used to implement incremental compilation support in JS IR backend. It’s not used in JVM, and I think it’s not used in Native.
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Thank you! So I guess it's save to disable it for now in Python box tests
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