Today: Worked with name clashes. Turned out that m...
# python-contributors
Today: Worked with name clashes. Turned out that many problems were caused by unsupported object instances, so the first PR I made is with some support of those. +192 box tests are passing now. Also, fixed some name clashes, +20 box tests pass. Looked at box tests fail reasons, looks like we have the following major paths: 1. java.lang.ClassCastException happens in compiler when compiling suspend functions. 2. 'Object_create', 'js' is not defined – at least related to arrays creation, maybe to smth else. 3. 'self' is not defined – unsupported extension function and properties. And many others. Next time: I guess number 2 or 3. Number 1 can be shelved for now, I suppose 😅
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awesome job! almost +220 test passing, your daily record right? 😄
yep! 😎😎😎 it's very useful to have fail reasons aggregated, thanks for your script, we can now target the most noticeable problems! 🙏🚀
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