Anyone using incremental kapt in multi-module setu...
# kapt
Anyone using incremental kapt in multi-module setup? I’m noticing that it actually makes build times worse if one of core modules is invalidated. For example, changing a feature module causes 70-90 second kapt in the main app module. (Project has over 50 modules)
Are you sure that all your APs are incremental? Maybe some root module has non-incremenral AP
I’ve run with
on and didn’t see any non incremental processors.
Usually main module kapt is ~15 seconds without incremental enabled, curious why it would jump to 70-90 seconds with it enabled.
I’ve noticed that with incremental kapt enabled, abi compatible change in a upstream module will cause kapt stubs to invalidate in downstream module. With incremental turned off, it does not invalidate the downstream.
Looks like a bug