(not really sure if it's a good channel, but I hav...
# opensource
(not really sure if it's a good channel, but I have to start somewhere 😅 ) I'm wondering if there could be more transparency into handling bugs around Kotlin by JetBrains. For a given bug, all we see are some basic attributes, but we don't see e.g. associated PRs if a fix is in progress (I presume they are done in an internal tool?), and also some bugs seems stale, even if they are assigned to someone and are "in progress". The most important questions that everyone interested asks about a given bug are: ‱ "is there some progress happening about it?" - as mentioned above, it could be addressed by exposing internal PRs ‱ "what's the ETA/plan of fixing it?" - I propose having some partially prioritized list of bugs that are being worked on. Looking at upvotes is not the best measurement, I found some counterexamples - bugs with lots of +1's have no clear status, and some bugs being fixed have even 0 +1's. It's not about ordering all existing bugs according to their importance, but e.g. having a list of TOP 100 on which the JetBrains team has on their radar A positive consequence of some order around bugs would be that the open-source community would know better how to help fixing issues, by taking ownership of issues higher on the list.
👍 1
Linked changes are already displayed on YouTrack if you check the related toggle button FYI. The rest you asked still stands I believe.
@louiscad could you show an example YouTrack issue with such linked change? I'm browsing but cannot find one
looking at a random GitHub PR, e.g. https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-50111 and https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/pull/4701 - they seem to have no relation in YouTrack
@Piotr KrzemiƄski Look at the tooltip, I put the mouse on the button that shows VCS elements in the timeline
I think it's disabled by default, but it saves the preference in your account, so I clicked that button just once in my life I think.
🙌 1
oh cool, thanks - I totally missed it!
IMO it should be enabled by default, it's an important piece of info, while "issue history" is better to keep hidden because it contains very detailed items
Feel free to report it on youtrack.jetbrains.com for the YouTrack project, I'll add my 👍
✅ 1
still: are all changes in Kotlin repo code-reviewed on GitHub? I have an impression that JetBrains folks have their own tool, and GitHub's PRs are only for external contributors
example: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-25796 and no items in "VCS changes", and for sure some change was made because
compiler flag was added
looks like Space is used, it has code review capabilities: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/space/review-code.html#code-review-example
Yep, they use Space, for most code review nowadays.
I'd love to have view-only access there 😇
The feature to allow guest access doesn't exist in Space for now, see https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/SPACE-5844
🙏 1
@Alexey Belkov [JB] could you share your view on the idea of more transparency in bug handling?
Hello. Yes, Space access for external users is not available yet, I hope we will be able to lift this limitation in the future. Regarding ETAs: we try our best to keep YouTrack up-to-date with the actual plans. So, if a developer is working on an issue it's supposed to be in "In progress" state. If an issue is planned to some near future, it will be reflected in the "Target versions" field (for example, 1.7: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/KT?q=Target%20versions:%201.7*).
👍 1
Regarding Kotlin plugin https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/KTIJ Recently we've changed our process: we don't pre-assign tickets to developers anymore - as well we've being dropping
from existed tickets as it gives false expectations. Instead of that Assignee means ticket is in work - either it is planned for some particular developer for next 2 weeks or it is in actual work (status
In progress
have to reflect that). Besides that we are forming a queue of tasks for devs over 2 weeks those have high priority. As to community support - we have a special tag
Up for grabs
for tickets those could be easy picked up by community - actually it has 177 tickets https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/KTIJ?q=%23%7BUp%20For%20Grabs%7D%20%20State:%20Backlog%20State:%20Open%20State:%20Submitted
🙌 1
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