Hi, We (<@U021AJK3ZUL> and me) is looking at where...
# opensource
Hi, We (@Ayfri and me) is looking at where to publish our open source maven artifact for a Kotlin -js lib (klib). Is Jetbrains Space an option or would we need to pay for that? Looking for advice for a good easy and free option for hosting our lib artifacts. Thanks in advance! 🙇
Currently following this guide to the get artifact to maven central: https://madhead.me/posts/no-bullshit-maven-publish/
👍 1
Maven Central is the most used option indeed (by far)
Then we are on the right track 👍
https://getstream.io/blog/publishing-libraries-to-mavencentral-2021/ @zsmb also has a fantastic guide for this (very confusing) process. From experience, the first time you do this is where the bulk of the work is. Every time I add a new artifact under my domain it’s pretty painless.
Jetpack is the easiest, but maven central is certainly more popular.