KFSM 1.4.32 has been released: <https://open.jumpc...
# opensource
KFSM 1.4.32 has been released: https://open.jumpco.io/blog/2021/release-2021-05-23-kfsm-1.4.32.html We added support for state machine
comes from DBC (Design by contract) and all invariant expression will be evaluated before and after each event. Next we'll be adding precondition and postcondition to all events and statemap specific invariants.
K 1
So cool @corneil! And thanks for the excellent project documentation. In particular, timers are great and exceed typical FSM projects on github. I'm wondering If you have thought about cascaded FSMs similar to https://www.itemis.com/en/yakindu/state-machine/documentation/user-guide/multi_state_machine_modelling?hsLang=de ?
I do support sub statemaps. But they are considered part of the parent and there is only one instance. However this seems like one reusing 2 other state-machine instances which should be possible with the current implementation.
When I get some time I can put together a similar two-way traffic control state machine.
Here is an example of using 2 state machines to control a traffic intersection. The one FSM controls the traffic light and the other the intersection. https://github.com/open-jumpco/kfsm-android-compose-traffic