ported grgit (groovy wrapper around JGit) to kotli...
# opensource
ported grgit (groovy wrapper around JGit) to kotlin, https://github.com/elect86/gik nothing serious about, but let's see if this pays out in the long run
I think you should make some additional efforts in the context of documentation. https://github.com/elect86/gik/blob/4b36203d134801a6bf5d1ce5d942fd3cba9f307a/core/src/main/kotlin/gik/Branch.kt#L7 1. I don't think
makes any sense for the ported library. 2. KDoc comments can be used to generate Dokka documentation site. https://github.com/elect86/gik/blob/4b36203d134801a6bf5d1ce5d942fd3cba9f307a/core/src/main/kotlin/gik/service/BranchService.kt#L78 3.
is incorrect in KDoc, write it like
@param names
https://github.com/elect86/gik/blob/4b36203d134801a6bf5d1ce5d942fd3cba9f307a/core/src/main/kotlin/gik/service/BranchService.kt#L14 4.
{@code null}
-> ``null``
Sure, but for the moment that has low priority for me. I tried to delete all
, but as you saw, some of them escaped 🙂 Thanks for all the points, I'll do it as soon as I have a moment If you would like to do it, don't hesitate to PR