Goodbye GitHub, Hello GitLab <
# kotlin-native
Goodbye GitHub, Hello GitLab (Also who loves logos, I made this one with kotlin colors :D)
💯 1
K 1
I love gitlab and used to host most of my shit there, but I moved to GH because all the open source is happening there (thus easier forking). I'd be interested to hear your reasons for going the other way?
@Big Chungus Well to start. GTK-KT was never meant to get into such a large project, so I just created a repo quickly on GH at that time. I used GH since before Microsoft took control, and when it did I was a bit irked but nothing had yet to change. When Microsoft introduced GH CoPilot, that was a snap point for me. It trained itself on code found on github without permission, was an absolute violation of licensing for countless organizations and individuals. GL is something that I know is safer currently, and if ever needed, I can self host a GitLab instance with a registered domain as well.
In the future, I'll be doing to same with my other projects one by one. Then deleting the GH copy
Wait, is copilot learning from private repos too??
Unknown to me, but likely as private repositories doesn't mean admin's cannot access them.
Learning from public repos is kinda ok, because i see it as an equivalent to SEO
Not when those repositories are GPL +
Especially so when they are AGPL
How are those different from apache 2? Genuinely curious.
GPLv3 and AGPL have a dependency clause. Software built on GPLv3 and AGPL code must also be GPLv3 and AGPL
That is why all gnome apps also have the same licensing
Its also why Trumps "Truth" social medium has been put under fire for using mastodons code base (which is AGPL)
GL is something that I know is safer currently, and if ever needed, I can self host a GitLab instance with a registered domain as well. this is just plain awesome sauce.