Would it be possible to use HTTP4K in a OpenFaaS (...
# http4k
Would it be possible to use HTTP4K in a OpenFaaS (https://www.openfaas.com) template? I have a Kotlin JVM OpenFaaS template (https://github.com/napperley/openfaas-kotlin-templates/tree/kotlin-jvm/template/kotlin-jvm) that needs to be refactored to use a HTTP/S server to handle input/output. This template is partially based on the official OpenFaaS Java 8 template (https://github.com/openfaas/templates/tree/master/template/java8).
I've looked at it briefly and it seems like http4k would be a good fit for OpenFaaS indeed.
😀 1
Made the necessary changes (all minor) with incorporating HTTP4K. Very easy to use HTTP4K with OpenFaaS simple smile .
👍 1