<@U0GCNKJF4> just an update on the tech empower be...
# http4k
@pabl0rg just an update on the tech empower benchmarks... Your suggestion of swapping out handlebars for pebble has had a significant uptick in the performance of the fortunes test. Comparative results for JVM frameworks based on the latest run: Handlebars - 11th position - 167k requests served - 48% compared to top performer Pebble - 6th position - 225k requests served - 67% compared to top performer See the full set here: https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=test&amp;runid=898a9857-e2a6-472c-ac4e-f0d0c851af30&amp;hw=ph&amp;test=fortune&amp;l=xan3i3-1
đŸ’ª 8
@dave that’s great! I bet it’s even faster using kotlinx.html instead of pebble