0.8.0 Released (<https://github.com/nacular/doodle...
# doodle
0.8.0 Released (https://github.com/nacular/doodle/releases/tag/v0.8.0) 3D Transforms Views can now have full 3D transformations via their
property. This works because
has been updated to support scale, rotation, and translations that involve x, y and z axes. The result is that Views can now be placed in a full 3D space by simply giving them a transform that has been modified accordingly.
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import io.nacular.doodle.drawing.AffineTransform.Companion.Identity
import io.nacular.measured.units.Angle.Companion.degrees

// Rotate this View around they y-axis (through its center) by 45°
view.transform *= Identity.rotateY(around = view.center, by = 45 * degrees)
Views can also now render in 3D, since
also supports the new 3D transforms.
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view {
    render = {
        transform(Identity.rotateY(by = 45 * degrees)) {
            // ...
3D Perspective A realistic 3D space requires more than just affine transforms (which keep parallel lines parallel). Simulating this requires perspective transforms. Views now have a
property, which gives them a perspective when combined with a 3D transform. The following allows the y-axis rotation to look more realistic.
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import io.nacular.doodle.drawing.AffineTransform.Companion.Identity
import io.nacular.measured.units.Angle.Companion.degrees

// Rotate this View around they y-axis (through its center) by 45°
view.transform *= Identity.rotateY(around = view.center, by = 45 * degrees)

// Position the View's camera to apply some realistic perspective warping
view.camera = Camera(position = view.center, distance = 1000.0)
Canvas also takes a
in its
method to enable perspective.
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view {
    render = {
        transform(Identity.rotateY(by = 45 * degrees), camera = Camera(Origin, distance = 1000.0)) {
            // ...
Kotlin 1.7 Support Doodle now supports 1.7.10!!
🎉 1