Hello ! Thanks for this amazing library :heart: W...
# apollo-kotlin
Hello ! Thanks for this amazing library ❤️ We have added support on watchosArm32 on our side and discovered this is not supported by Apollo yet. Is there some special constraints for this platform? (I've created an issue to ensure tracking this subject on github too)
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Hello, World! Just replied to the issue 🙂 I don't believe there's any constraints. I remember adding a bunch of targets a while ago, let me see if I can remember more details with git log 🙂
that was this PR from Nov 2021 - I guess there was no explicit reason other than we probably thought nobody would need it 🙂
Alright! Looks like this PR also mention watchos x64, I can add it too if you want.
(Tbh, I don't know if it really pertinent from a business point of view)
the names are a bit confusing 😅
is watchOS 64 bit simulator on x86_64 platforms Well, I'm not sure - do you need it?
Nop 😄 not today at least, let's save some CI time then
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noob question, I see
as predefined run for IntelliJ, but both fails to start. Are they still maintained?
tldr; not much
Usually depends if you're running the root build or composite build
But it's been a while I haven't used them
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