also, is gradle script kotlin considered stable an...
# gradle
also, is gradle script kotlin considered stable and the preferred mechanism? i have seen it promoted more, but there's definitely a lot of groovy still floating around and I have not seen many people actually using it. The performance issues the gradle docs talk about don't sound too great, particularly on transient CICD, anyone happen to have info on how bad it is though?
The performance impact is imho not that significant and also getting better constantly. Actually it depends on the concrete situation, in some cases using Kotlin DSL is even faster than using Groovy DSL. But any way, I use exclusively Kotlin DSL nowadays, because the gain is worth almost any time penalty. The time penalty is only when the Kotlin scripts need to be recompiled. But you gain much better editing experience, by having a type-safe language and amazingly better IDE support.
👍 1
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And yes, it is stable since a very long time already.
yeah, well the problem with all the CICD these days is they use this stupid containerized setup. which sounds great in theory but in reality you're getting rid of any cache and daemon and tearing down and bringing everything up again. locally it would be better, which is more important to me though i agree, type safety is huge. i quite hate how gradle's is lacking so much in that way, beacuse of groovy
Well, it is only missing it if you use the Groovy DSL, so use the Kotlin DSL. 🙂