I'm working on changes in `arrow-fx-coroutines`. B...
# arrow-contributors
I'm working on changes in
. But I always get
Cannot find declaration to go to
when I try to navigate to a symbol's declaration in IntelliJ. I'm wondering if I set up the project incorrectly. I imported the
that's in the root directory
into IntelliJ. Should I have done something different? In IntelliJ, I'm also getting compiler errors in
, and
. These are the ones in
, for example:
Copy code
Kotlin: Unresolved reference: Validated
Kotlin: Unresolved reference: Validated
Kotlin: Unresolved reference: Either
Kotlin: Unresolved reference: Either
Kotlin: Unresolved reference: None
Kotlin: Unresolved reference: Some
Kotlin: Unresolved reference: Ior
Kotlin: Unresolved reference: Ior
Kotlin: Unresolved reference: Eval
Kotlin: Unresolved reference: Eval
Any suggestions on how to get IntelliJ to behave correctly? I'm flying blind without IDE support as I make changes. Thanks!
Hi Julian, importing the main build gradle should have worked. I would try again removing everything and importing the root
folder. Then it will ask you about having found the gradle scripts and if you want to import them.
Regardless of IDEA, what happens if you try to
./gradlew clean test
Do those test compile?
If you are still having issues let me know and we can setup a time to look at it together over meet
Thanks so much @raulraja. Yes,
./gradlew clean test
succeeds, and there are no compiler errors. I also installed IDEA EAP and a second instance of the release version IDEA and had the same problem with both as the first instance of IDEA. I noticed that none of the directories in the Project Structure dialog any of the three instances of IDEA are marked as Sources. I've attached a screenshot of one. Then I tried opening the project in Android Studio. The IDE assistance works as expected and hoped for. And the project builds without errors. 🥳 Interestingly, the Modules pane of Android Studio's Project Structure dialog is blank. See the second screenshot. Do any contributors use IDEA? Or is everyone who uses IntelliJ using Android Studio?
I don't use Android Studio, just IDEA
Thanks @raulraja. This isn't an urgent issue anymore, but it's preferable in the long-term for me to use the same setup as other contributors. So I'd like to take you up on the offer to look into the IDEA issue over meet, whenever is convenient for you.
Sounds good, I'll ping you on DM with times I can meet