Great, how did I now break the IDE support for the...
# github-workflows-kt
Great, how did I now break the IDE support for the scripts completely? No code completion whats-o-ever, no error highlighting, no navigation not even to the decompiled classes, just not usable. grml Have you seen that behavior before and / or any idea? I already did an invalidate index and restart, but no change.
Ah, that's what you reported as
duplicate of
@Piotr KrzemiƄski 😞 Did you find any work-around or do you just not edit the scripts anymore? When I factored it out into the extra script, editing and code highlighing and so on worked fine. No idea why it now stopped. 😞
Yeah, I know, I've warned you! My poor workaround is to comment out the Import and pretend to not see the missing classes from the other not imported module
In practice I don't edit them that often so it's not painful. The workaround makes sense when starting a longer coding session
Obviously I didn't read the issue properly enough. 😄
I cannot simply comment the import, I also need to add the depends, as I only have the depends centralized in the imported script
And it used fine also within the ide a few hours ago 😞
please open idea.log, you should see a message similar to the one in this issue:
And I also cannot simply ignore the not found things, as the main function I call is defined in the imported script, so nothing can be used 🙈
sorry, I guess you need to revert
... no 😠
and add a nice comment under the issue 😉
Nah, I don't like me-too comments without added value and try to avoid them 🙂
I see, sure
please open idea.log, you should see a message similar to the one in this issue:
I do / did. Then I searched in YouTrack. Found the issue and saw your comment, then recognized the title of the issue you sent before. Circle closed 😄
ah, ok! 🙂
Ok, time for a named stash 🙂
I'm surprised it has so little +1s, I'd assume it's more impactful, but maybe people don't use Import that often
Yep, probably
Hm, also interesting. For me it does not ignore changes to the imported file when executing the script, but it gives a compilation error, not finding the classes of this lib (I have the depends-on only in the imported file). It only works after also changing the main file or deleting the compilation cache.