Hello everyone. I have enabled experimental ui in...
# android-studio
Hello everyone. I have enabled experimental ui in Android Studio Flamingo Beta 1. While the new ui is really great, I am facing one issue here. Whenever I want to attach a debugger to a process, I have to do this (see attached screenshots) Is there a way to enable toolbar like in old ui? I have already tried
View: Show Main Toolbar
(4th option is 1st screenshot), but that didn’t help Thanks in advance!
👍 1
@Chris Sinco [G] Just out of curiosity. Which IDE you use to develop the IDE for Android Developer? Or you do it on vim? 😄
To develop Android Studio? We use IntelliJ
Is there a plan to integrate something like this in Android Studio in future? https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/13121-http-client
Unlikely. That would be more something that IntelliJ would do since it’s not as Android specific
We do have some networking tools for Android though in the Network Inspector, that helps debug and intercept network traffic in your app: https://developer.android.com/studio/preview/features#network-inspector
That plugin is from JetBrains itself, but it only works with Intellij Ultimate and other paid IDEs. So it won’t work in Android Studio
I am aware about Network Inspector, and we do use it frequently. My use case here is, if we have something like that in AS, we won’t have to switch to Postman frequently when integrating new APIs or debugging payload related issues
But maybe I am getting too greedy here 😅
Gotcha - apologies I didn’t see that detail on Ultimate. It’s up to JetBrains to make it available for free unfortunately, i.e. in Community, Android Studio. As for Android Studio, I’m not aware functionality like this is on our roadmap or a priority, so it’s best to file a feature request and then we’ll track the upvotes to help us prioritize.
Got it. Thanks
In the more general case, it would be great if you could input an IntelliJ license key into Android Studio to make it accept paid plugins. It’s a shame I can’t use Ultimate-exclusive plugins in Android Studio if I’m already paying for Idea Ultimate anyway. Android Studio is always stuck in free/community mode, even though I’m a paying user.