In the new UI, where can I select my target device...
# android-studio
In the new UI, where can I select my target device? I only see the button to run, but can’t specify the target. Android Studio Flamingo | 2022.2.1 Beta 1 EDIT: Solved, thanks to @Beowulf. Right click on the toolbar and add the
Select Device
There's a select device menu item in the run menu.
At least that is where it is in Intellij
Here I can’t find such thing
Screen Shot 2023-01-25 at 8.44.36 AM.png
By run menu, I mean the menu from the app menu bar and not the drop down for the run tool in the tool bar.
Got it. I was referring to the Run dropdown tool
yeah, they moved it
The changes to that tool is what I hate most about the new UI. The not showing the selected device and the not showing all the configurations in the order that I sorted them in.
yes, this is a bit troublesome
If you right-click on the Run button, you can edit the toolbar and manually add the Device Selector again.
nice, thanks Looks a little strange, since the drop down is not centered like the target selection is, but solves my problem
Yes, we are actively working on supporting the new UI now in Giraffe. The main toolbar issues (missing device picker, missing Android actions) is a known issue that we are fixing in Giraffe given the 22.3 changes from IntelliJ.
In IJ 22.2, the main toolbar was not customizable, so plugin actions like the device picker were not appearing, nor could be added by the user. In 22.3, they allow customization of the main toolbar, so we are now working to get those actions back on there by default. In the meantime, you can add them manually through Settings
And so if you are using the new UI in Flamingo, that is all based on IJ 22.2 so you will not be able to customize the main toolbar. My suggestion is to upgrade to Giraffe canaries to see the latest new UI changes for Android Studio.
Got it. Thanks a lot for the help. thank you color
just ran into this in g2. thanks for asking the question!