How can I compile the compose library and load the...
# compose-desktop
How can I compile the compose library and load the local version in my project? I cloned the repo and I think I built the library using
./gradlew :compose:assemble
I have no idea where to from this though and I did spend a whole trying to make it work. Should I post this in #androidx instead as it's library stuff?
Try adding it as gradle included build and see if it resolves
Thanks for the reply, I'll be honest I'm a noob to this and especially so with the Kotlin DSL that the desktop compose project generated, it's completely different from what I get on an Android project. How would I that?
Oh wow! Thanks a lot, that's exactly what I was looking for.
I imagine it'd be super useful to set up a local maven repo right?
k is where the multiplatform version of Compose lives. There’s a lot of branches in there. Looks like 1.3.0 is getting almost ready at
As for a local repo, the question is what do you need. Are you planning to do local changes to the Compose sources? Are you in a situation without network connectivity and you want all your dependencies available locally? Something else that would need a local copy of Compose?
Aha! So I should clone this, and not from the one from Google?
I want to create a text editor widget
OK, you don’t need a local repo for that
Need multi-cursor support and some other features that I think would be cleaner to modify the library
What do you recommend I do instead?
I need to modify some internals I think, and I need to have a delegate that handles the multi cursors and a shared edit buffer
Step back for a second. Do you know that you need to modify Compose sources, or you think you might need to? These are two different things. And if you are modifying Compose sources, you need a plan to get them upstreamed so that your library / widget is useful outside of your local environment.
I don't have to but if I don't the solution is pretty hacky although very simple. But I'd like to try what a tailor made solution would look like. Hmm, is there a use for this in upstream?
That’s impossible to answer until you show the usefullness of the code to the project owners
I will be using a ropes data structure internally and this would allow for rich text editing with large files but I wonder how much of those features would be considered bloat
Or maybe I should decouple the ropes structure from the internal and pass strings to the internals, I have no idea what is better but I'd like to test things out first and get familiar with building the library and modifying it first which will take me a few days for sure
Back to your original question, I haven’t tried local deployment with Compose, but for Skiko it was pretty easy.
./gradlew :skiko:publishToMavenLocal
was the only thing to run, and then update your sample module to local at local maven first and use
as the version. Might be different for Compose though
Ah, the instructions for Compose are at the link that Eliezer posted earlier
Yup, thanks a lot both of you, this is amazing! And to think that I didn't even clone the correct repo to begin with lol
And to the second part. If there are things that “need” to exist in the upstream Compose (common for all platforms, or only desktop) that would enable a rich text editor widget, that’s certainly something that would be worth pushing for. That’s what I did when I contributed a few patches to Skiko to enable shader based render effects. Smaller contributions are usually easier to get in, as project owners / maintainers need to think about long term support for any such contribution, and how it plays with other parts of the project - today and in the future.
My own personal preference is also to communicate such information ahead of time - in the project bug tracker - to get a feel of what the project owners think about it. You probably wouldn’t want to spend months of your time working on something that has no chance of being included upstream.
If anything I really need the experience as this is completely new territory to me and the project I'm doing this for has no real time limit as it's a long term personal project of mine. Even if I fail to get anything to work this will at the very least be a great opportunity to learn. Upstream quality code would be great but that was not my original intention, and wouldn't be able to do that without rewriting anyways since I am jumping head first into the library. You mentioned Skiko, what are the things you can do with it that you can't do with Composables? I wonder if Skiko (I'm assuming I can use it together with compose) would be an easier solution to my problem?
Skiko is low level bindings to Skia, which is the rendering engine that puts pixels on the screen
I see, if I were to guess I'd say it wouldn't help much as from the initial look the classes of interest to me are probably
, and
Now I am stuck fighting the build system or whatever is preventing the LSP from working 🙁 How can I get the LSP to work with the compose-jb source? It doesn't work in android studio or emacs with
displays a lot of messages of things being compiled with kotlin 1.8.0, messages look something like
'kotlin.Unit' was compiled with an incompatible version...
as for android studio here's a screenshot:
The project uses the internal APIs of the Kotlin compiler.
- looks like the project author isn’t keeping it up to date with the changes that are going into Kotlin
I should add that I am completely new to gradle and large projects' build systems in general so I might be missing something obvious
Why are you bringing in the language server into the mix?
I will try to make this work with android studio if not ig no LSP for this one, for now. The reason I was trying to set-up emacs is due to hardware limitations although I can just about get away with android studio
Oh, when I say LSP I mean with emacs and not with android studio, but I kind of want intellisense to work on studio otherwise what's the point of using it lol
but I can't either to work
Nothing to do with compose-jb or this channel then
It's just with compose-jb that it doesn't work that's why I asked here. Normal compose projects and android apps work fine.
Where should I ask for help instead?
There’s #emacs which isn’t super active. Maybe #getting-started to get a bit more exposure. Provide some details on the setup, what works and what doesn’t. Don’t just drop people in the middle of it.