Hi folks, i have a Compose multiplatform projects ...
# compose-desktop
Hi folks, i have a Compose multiplatform projects that is modular, each module can have it own resources in commonMain/resources, but at the final desktop module (the application one), when running, the resources files is not transitive being add to the application jar file to be used. How can I make all resource files for all modules be available in the desktop app?
This should work for JVM targets 🤔 I know it currently doesn't with JS
I made a sample, how you can share resources between different jvm modules and commonMain and jvmMain sourcesets. https://github.com/dima-avdeev-jb/jvm-share-multimodule-resources Also, for multiplatform modules, you can look at an experimental library here: https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-jb/tree/master/components/resources
I thought that the
merging is an Android feature that is not on normal
Is that experimental library not yet included in the current build of the compose libraries? I could not get the package resolved in 1.3.0-rc05.
Thank you @Dima Avdeev, but I only saw the resource being pulled into the desktop app!
Man, @Javier, I actually found your library by accident, did you created a solution based on the jetbrains source? I was thinking about doing something like this instead of having some side module in my project. Do you need help?
do you mean compose resources? the expect actual part is one line if I remember correctly
Ok, there was no explanation on the README and I already spent a reasonable time digging into the JB source, thought better just ask 🙂
You say for KMM the solution is a one liner?
I think the solution I have there was put in moko resources too
I haven't added iOS support
I'm just interested in the Android/Desktop stuff! Thank you very much.
my plugin only allow using different drawables based on the theme, but the real utilities are on moko at the end