How to create ImageBitmap by array with points and...
# compose
How to create ImageBitmap by array with points and colors? I have FloatArray every 3 items in it is the point info (x, y, color). Need to make ImageBitmap from it.
Ah you edited your question and now it is different. I’m not aware of something that creates a Bitmap from the format of data you have. (But it’s possible such a thing exists.) So I think you need to transform/flatten the data into a format you can pass to
Thanks, Chris! I'll tranform it to match arguments of function you suggest.
Be careful how you map it. If it’s anything more than a small icon, that’s not going to be a fast process on the CPU. You may want to look at passing it to C or Kotlin/Native to use the GPU.
I wonder how that could look like? I've never seen it be done, especially by also using K/N
What is the source of the pixel data? Does it come from a library? If you can get it in int form, you could use libswscale or something.
There’s no need to pass this to a lower level. If you have hundreds of thousands or millions of pixels, just pass it to a worker thread to process.
It’s a static image after all, not animated, or video for example
If that's acceptable in this case, you can do that. It could take a non-negligible time.
I’m assuming he doesn’t need the image quickly. Otherwise why would it be provided in this format? (But I might be wrong.)
Thanks, friends! The reason for generation bitmap was that when using canvas it invokes onDraw for every change in ui even when non related elements changing. So i decided to generate bitmap manualy in LaunchedEffect and then apply it as Image. I didnt know about Canvas(ImageBitmap) that Eliezer use. Now I'll try his variant.