<@U12AGS8JG> <@U019YR8UJ8L> any opinions on <https...
# kotest-contributors
@sam @mitch any opinions on https://github.com/kotest/kotest/pull/3358? Good idea to add? I'm also a bit bothered by the naming. I would like to have something like:
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val companyDepartmentArb = Arb.bind<CompanyDepartment>(
  Location::class to myLocationArb,  
  Person::name to Arb.string(codepoints = Codepoint.alphanumeric()),
  Person::age to <http://Arb.int|Arb.int>(0..120),
Right now you'd have to do:
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val companyDepartmentArb = Arb.bind<CompanyDepartment>(
  providedArbs = mapOf(Location::class to myLocationArb),  
  arbsForProperties = mapOf(
    Person::name to Arb.string(codepoints = Codepoint.alphanumeric()),
    Person::age to <http://Arb.int|Arb.int>(0..120),
Plus the naming feels a bit off.
doesn't say how it's different from
, but changing it means breaking backwards compat.. Perhaps easiest to just add new methods altogether and deprecate the current ones, but that's also a bit invasive..
If they're not insanely different/confusing/broken we can add the new options and keep them as aliases
I like the first idea.
+1 I think the first idea is really clean
Downside is it's strict on the order of arguments. Would be something like. Perhaps not an issue though
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fun Arb.bind(
  vararg classArbs: Pair<KClass, Arb>, 
  propArb: Pair<KProperty, Arb>,
  vararg propArbs: Pair<KProperty, Arb>,
Generics omitted for readability.. 🙂
Another option.. trying to make it order-independent. 🙂
I don think you can have 2 varargs
you're right 🙂