<https://github.com/jfree/skikographics2d> is wort...
# compose-desktop
https://github.com/jfree/skikographics2d is worth keeping an eye on if you are integrating Compose desktop with an older Swing / Java2D codebase
🔥 5
No, it's a new codebase. https://github.com/sproctor/SignaturePad/ It's somewhat a port of a similar Android library to Compose. Working with bitmaps in a cross-platform way is a bit annoying. KorIM has pretty much everything I was looking for except integration with Skia.
This was not a reply to your KorIM / bitmap question / thread
Ah, sorry. Funny timing then.
Sure, it’s in the same area. The bridge to use Skia to render into Java2D side of things can be useful for hybrid desktop apps.