I wanted to share that we released a new version o...
# compose-desktop
I wanted to share that we released a new version of Briar Desktop today, which is implemented using Compose for Desktop. Here's the release announcement: https://briarproject.org/news/2023-briar-desktop-0.4.0-released/
🚀 7
This is a screenshot of the new forum feature
I just did a fresh Arch install and haven’t set up my WM yet. Do you know how compatible this is with other distros? I see Ubuntu mentioned.
you can just use the linux jar if you install a JDK 17. There's also a community member maintaining an arch aur package here: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/briar-desktop
Cool. I’ll have to try it out.
Wow, I like
Looks very good. I am interested what your experience has been so far with Compose Desktop in a serious project
So far the experience is very nice. Many things work remarkably well and are relatively easy to implement when compared to traditional UI work on Android or Swing. Of course there are also a few problems that will hopefully iron out when Compose for desktop matures. Some unsolved problems we've run into have to do with layouting in material dialogs, accessibility not working on Linux and emoji support. There's also some issues that probably are less likely to run into on Android that have to do with keyboard navigation where it's possible to navigate to UI elements that are behind a modal dialog and interact with them.