:tada: <v0.36.0> released! Kudos go to <@U0152P3V...
# github-workflows-kt
🎉 v0.36.0 released! Kudos go to @Vampire and @Damien O'Hara for their contributions!
🥳 2
FYI, I figured it’s high time to pay more attention to inline docs, that’s why I’m starting deploying Dokka-generated docs under https://krzema12.github.io/github-workflows-kt/api-docs/. There’s no link to it from the main docs because it’s still ugly, I’m planning to add basic KDoc comments, and then will officially release. For now treat it as a preview
Nice. If you can group things like with JavaDoc, I'd suggest some grouping, for example put all action wrappers in one group, things to be used by workflow scripts in another and the rest if any in one or something similar
For example now the
is between the action wrappers
yep, I’m aware of it
Like here with public api and internal helpers: https://javadoc.io/doc/org.javacord/javacord-api/latest/index.html
do you know if Dokka allows such segregation? it would be perfect
I have no idea, never used it
I use Kotlin mainly for workflow files and build logic