I want to modify ReactorContext or the context of ...
# coroutines
I want to modify ReactorContext or the context of reactor after a coroutine is created. For example, some
has a
which wraps a
context of reactor
. In my case the context of reactor has two key/value pairs as the following image but I want to add one more pair to the current context mutably not immutable!
Anyway I want to modify ReactorContext or the context of reactor directly associated with a coroutine. Is it possible?
Adding information to the context make it available to
and spawned coroutines. So context modifications in the children may not be available to the parent.
I put here an issue, if you face the same let me know, I am also trying to solve it in SpringbootWorld. Well, you can add extra info to the ReactorContext, but I faced issues when I call other suspend-able methods in springboot @service, which somehow eliminates the context that I ve added. I haven’t investigated more on that, but if you are in springboot you may face similar issues. e.g. Lets say that I have a rest-controller, and I add the user id and span id in the reactor’s context, if I call a method to a service component, the context keys have erased.
Adding information to the context make it available to
and spawned coroutines. So context modifications in the children may not be available to the parent.
I see. That make sense. 😢
I put here an issue, if you face the same let me know, I am also trying to solve it in SpringbootWorld. Well, you can add extra info to the ReactorContext, but I faced issues when I call other suspend-able methods in springboot
, which somehow eliminates the context that I ve added. I haven’t investigated more on that, but if you are in springboot you may face similar issues. e.g. Lets say that I have a rest-controller, and I add the user id and span id in the reactor’s context, if I call a method to a service component, the context keys have erased.
I also use Kotlin with Spring Boot (WebFlux) and in
and I found I can add extra info to the context of Reactor which belongs to ReactorContext. (but I want to modify it after WebFilter…) like this
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class HttpRequestWebFilter : WebFilter {
    override fun filter(exchange: ServerWebExchange, chain: WebFilterChain): Mono<Void> {
        return chain.filter(exchange)
                .contextWrite { ctx ->
                    ctx.put(SomeClass::class.java, someValue)
I found it works in suspending function in some bean class.
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// will result in someValue