Hello :wave: I created draft PR for adding new Kto...
# graphql-kotlin
Hello 👋 I created draft PR for adding new Ktor GraphQL plugin module -> https://github.com/ExpediaGroup/graphql-kotlin/pull/1667 Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
👍 1
Hey @Dariusz Kuc Is there any specific way to define GraphQL queries inside an authenticate("jwt") block? I already have the implementation following "Route.authenticate" approach. Thank you!
Hello 👋 Can you share a link to repo with sample code? Unsure what
block does (is it built in? Or some custom logic?)
The standard ktor authentication plugin. You wrap a route in
authenticate("auth name")
and it applies the authentication configuration for "auth name". https://ktor.io/docs/authentication.html
(We use that too with our graphql-kotlin + ktor layer)
👍 i'll take a look later today or tomorrow
One thing our custom graphql ktor layer has is an exception handler in our call handler i.e. the wrapper around the graphql server's
call. This exception handle creates a standard GraphQLResponse for unhandled exceptions -- otherwise we found unexpected errors weren't handled properly by the client side (a 3rd party project using Elm). I haven't checked the PR but would we still have access to this extension point?
Oh and we also use a custom extension of
Our request parser has these comments that should be taken into account for parsing the request (ktor follows the RFCs strictly instead of just defaulting to UTF-8 when doing
Copy code
override suspend fun parseRequest(request: ApplicationRequest): GraphQLServerRequest = try {
    withContext(<http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>) {
      // Ktor receiveText uses the rules for plain text, and the default encoding for plain text is ISO-8859-1:
      // <https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7231#appendix-B>
      // <https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8259.html#section-8.1>
      // <https://stackoverflow.com/a/49552784/430128>
      // instead -- receive the data as a stream and default to UTF-8
      val reader = request.call.receiveStream().reader(request.contentCharset() ?: Charsets.UTF_8)
      mapper.readValue(reader, GraphQLServerRequest::class.java)
  } catch (e: IOException) {
    throw IOException("Unable to parse GraphQL payload.", e)
will start separate threads