Wondering if <https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue...
# intellij
Wondering if https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-86700/Diff-view-should-prefer-addition-of-complete-code-blocks will ever get some traction. What’s particularly jarring is that
git diff
in terminal shows much more useful diff than IJ, even though it’s much easier to revert chunks in IJ 😕 Is there an option to use the diff generated by local
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“not kotlin”, but voted on the ticket anyway. on the topic of diffs: I really don’t understand the merge view. I do all my merges manually by scrolling through the file and removing the conflict markers.
ah right, forgot this is Kotlin slack and not Jetbrains Slack, sorry 😬 I wanted to open a new issue to remind someone but figured posting here might be a better idea
I do all my merges manually by scrolling through the file and removing the conflict markers.
Same here, but I think I just don’t grok how merging tools in general should be used. Seems much faster to e.g. remove all the conflict markers from imports and let IJ sort them out itself
right. its totally possible that I just don’t understand how the merge ui is supposed to be used.
one thing I do know: a dedicated tool like kaleidoscope.app show much nicer diffs than idea (or github)
Also "not Kotlin" but I did do a video on

Resolving Merge Conflicts in IntelliJ IDEA

if that helps?
“Not kotlin” but I’m going to watch it now.
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cool, I will definately try out the merge conflict ui next time I have a merge conflict. One question: what is the difference between “Accept Left/Right Side” and “Resolve using Left/Right”?
"Accept Left/Right Side” accepts the changes from selected side, but leaves any changes from the other side. “Resolve using Left/Right” accepts the changes from selected side and ignores the changes from the other side.
So if you know you want to accept one side & ignore the other, "resolve" is faster (one step instead of 2)
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makes sense!