hi, i’m an old kotlin for java user but wanted to ...
# javascript
hi, i’m an old kotlin for java user but wanted to try kotlin for js first time for a node.js project. but it doesn’t go smooth! Unfortunately I keep getting errors. here is my code:
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open external class App()

fun main() {
    val app = App()
and here is the error message:
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val app = App()
TypeError: App is not a constructor
any help will be highly appreciated
Have a read through this to get a better understanding of kotlin externals https://dev.to/mpetuska/js-in-kotlinjs-c4g
Js has many module systems so wrapping approaches differ wildly across libs
thanks @Big Chungus i’m gonna read
this is using a ts lib from npm
Doesn't matter since ts only lives during build time. The lib still ends up being js after publishing.
cool, i started reading the post
hi again, after reading your post, i had some improvement, thanks a lot. but i’m again stuck 🤦‍♂️ here’s the current version of the code:
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import constructs.Construct

external object constructs {
    open class Construct

external object cdktf {
    class App : Construct {
        fun synth(): Unit

    open class TerraformStack(scope: Construct, id: String) : Construct
    class TerraformVariable(app: Construct, id: String, function: () -> Unit)

class MyStack(scope: Construct, id: String) : cdktf.TerraformStack(scope, id) {
    init {
        cdktf.TerraformVariable(this, "my_var") {}

fun main() {
    val app = <http://cdktf.App|cdktf.App>()
    MyStack(app, "ctd-infra")
and now I get this error:
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class MyStack(scope: Construct, id: String) : cdktf.TerraformStack(scope, id) {
ReferenceError: TerraformStack is not defined
any ideas?
Looks like incorrect declarations. I'd need to see js/ts code you're wrapping to advise more
hi, i saw this just now. this is the declaration of that class: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk/blob/main/packages/cdktf/lib/terraform-stack.ts#L61
Ok, did some digging in my sandbox and it looks to be a bug related to extending external classes KT-56818. Everything works just fine if you don't try to extend the external class and just use it directly.
🙌 1
Here's my code if you want to play with it https://github.com/mpetuska/kotlin-sandbox/tree/2a7d467fa0f42baa751e8c68433ad9c45dcb306e/modules/kjs As a temporary workaround until it's fixed I could suggest using delegation over inheritance when bridging with external classes.
thanks a lot Martynas for your helps! tbh, it is way more complicated than i expected…
It is, unfortunately. Steep learning curve, but once you get a hang of it it becomes a lot easier.
Js having shitloads of ways to export things doesn't help either
for me this is not
Agree that it's bonkers if you have to do it yourself all the time. The saving grace is the oss community that wraps popular js libs and publishes them to maven central.