Hi everyone! I am also new to open source and have...
# gsoc
Hi everyone! I am also new to open source and have some summer internship experience of Android development with Kotlin at Audible. I got extremely interested in parameter forwarding project for the Kotlin IntelliJ Plugin and will submit a proposal for it when the applications are open. Meanwhile I’d love to ask for any recommendations on how to start working on open source projects. I will appreciate it a lot if you could share with me some resources or tips on how to get started, both with open source in general and Kotlin ecosystem specifically. I would also be more than happy to hop on a call and chat if anyone is able and willing to talk and think it is a good medium to share experience 🙂
Sounds great! For contributions to Kotlin Open Source, is there a particular project you are interested in contributing to?
@James Ward Yes, the parameter forwarding one! I never worked with jetpack myself, other than using the compostable components written by other people. But during my summer internship at Audible one of my friends was creating the Android components in Jetpack Compose, and I remember us discussing the intense amount of parameters that composable functions take and how much pain it is to work with it. I would be happy to contribute to improving this experience!
That sounds great. I think for that kind of project the best thing to start with is find issues that are on the easier side: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues?q=project:%20%7BKotlin%20IntelliJ%20IDEA%20plugin%7D Comment on issues if you have interest in tackling them. Then send pull requests: https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/tree/master/plugins/kotlin
Thank you for sharing these! I will try to dig into these over the next couple of days! 🙂 Will you be mentoring this project? May I use this thread to stay in touch when I have some follow up questions?