What's the Material/Compose analog to iOS UIAlertC...
# compose
What's the Material/Compose analog to iOS UIAlertController.actionSheets? Is it just an AlertDialog with a Column of Buttons? Or something more distinct?
Maybe a ModalBottomSheet
I've been looking at that a little. It seems to be executed very differently. I can have a button that results in a dialog and just put the state that manages that right there next to the button. colocates nicely. but the bottomsheet stuff seems to need to be declared at the various top and a hook for presentation passed through the composition stack. I want something that is more like the AlertDialog in usage pattern
Oh thank you! So this opens another question. I've been prototyping/learning with just Material Compose activities. So just Material 2. I was worried Material 3 might still be a little too bleeding edge. Is it ready for newbies to learn with? I really resist using "other stuff" because I just don't need the dependency headaches, so that particular problem wouldn't be an issue for me.
Material3 did already have it's 1.0 release, so it is certainly here to stay
That's good to know. I'll give a transition a try. Because I do want what you mentioned above. 😄