Hi Arkadii, i'm running into <this issue> when I t...
# decompose
Hi Arkadii, i'm running into this issue when I try to include
plugin. Any clue as to whats causing this issue?
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> Task :core:compileKotlinIosSimulatorArm64 FAILED
e: Compilation failed: Front-end Internal error: Failed to analyze declaration BackgroundWorkData
File being compiled: (5,1) in BackgroundWorkers.kt
The root cause java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError was thrown at: com.arkivanov.parcelize.darwin.ParcelizeResolveExtension.generateSyntheticClasses(ParcelizeResolveExtension.kt:13)

 * Source files: ..
 * Compiler version info: Konan: 1.8.10 / Kotlin: 1.8.10
 * Output kind: LIBRARY

e: org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.KotlinFrontEndException: Front-end Internal error: Failed to analyze declaration BackgroundWorkData
File being compiled: (5,1) in BackgroundWorkers.kt
The root cause java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError was thrown at: com.arkivanov.parcelize.darwin.ParcelizeResolveExtension.generateSyntheticClasses(ParcelizeResolveExtension.kt:13)
Hey! Glad you resolved the issue. Though I still don't get why it was happening. The outdated Essenty version is already compiled, so shouldn't affect compilation of projects where it's used.
yeah it was weird indeed 🤔 not entirely sure if this was indeed resolved by just bumping Essenty
I'm also running into this issue when building my native client now -
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> Task :app:ui:linkPodDebugFrameworkIosSimulatorArm64

Showing All Messages
e: Module "PSCore.core:ui" has a reference to symbol [ au.com.gridstone.pscore.core.ui.navigation/rememberRouter|-3103101331561201202[0] <- local Local[<TP>,0 | TYPE_PARAMETER name:C index:0 variance: superTypes:[com.arkivanov.parcelize.darwin.Parcelable{ com.arkivanov.essenty.parcelable.Parcelable }] reified:false] ]. Neither the module itself nor its dependencies contain such declaration.
modules does have this
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).forEach { targets ->
  targets.binaries {
    framework {
so not sure why it is not seeing the dependency.
Oh, this one is tricky. I've seen similar errors multiple times with Compose and other libraries. Not sure what's the problem yet. A reproducer could help though.
Looks similar to https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-53523/Compose-jb-for-iOS-Neither-the-module-itself-nor-its-dependencies-contain-such-declaration. You can the workaround there . Also, does it work without parcelize-darwin?
let me give that a try - ill get a reproducer out to debug this further 👍
Not sure im using the right version of decompose 🤔 currently im using
with • Kotlin:
• Essenty:
(removed the plugin and runtime from my project) • JetBrains Compose:
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> Task :app:ui:linkPodDebugFrameworkIosSimulatorArm64
e: Module "PSCore.core:ui" has a reference to symbol [ au.com.gridstone.pscore.core.ui.navigation/rememberRouter|-3103101331561201202[0] <- local Local[<TP>,0 | TYPE_PARAMETER name:C index:0 variance: superTypes:[com.arkivanov.parcelize.darwin.Parcelable{ com.arkivanov.essenty.parcelable.Parcelable }] reified:false] ]. Neither the module itself nor its dependencies contain such declaration.

This could happen if the required dependency is missing in the project. Or if there is a dependency of "PSCore.core:ui" that has a different version in the project than the version that "PSCore.core:ui" was initially compiled with. Please check that the project configuration is correct and has consistent versions of all required dependencies.

The list of "PSCore.core:ui" dependencies that may lead to conflicts:
 1. "PSCore:core" (a library with unknown version)
 2. "app.cash.molecule:molecule-runtime" (a library with unknown version)
 3. "co.touchlab:kermit" (a library with unknown version)
 4. "co.touchlab:stately-common" (a library with unknown version)
 5. "co.touchlab:stately-concurrency" (a library with unknown version)
 6. "com.arkivanov.decompose:decompose (com.arkivanov.decompose:decompose-iossimulatorarm64): 1.0.0-compose-experimental" (was initially compiled with "com.arkivanov.decompose:decompose (com.arkivanov.decompose:decompose-iossimulatorarm64)")
 7. "com.arkivanov.decompose:extensions-compose-jetbrains (com.arkivanov.decompose:extensions-compose-jetbrains-iossimulatorarm64): 1.0.0-compose-experimental" (was initially compiled with "com.arkivanov.decompose:extensions-compose-jetbrains (com.arkivanov.decompose:extensions-compose-jetbrains-iossimulatorarm64)")
 8. "com.arkivanov.essenty:back-handler (com.arkivanov.essenty:back-handler-iossimulatorarm64): 1.0.0" (was initially compiled with "com.arkivanov.essenty:back-handler (com.arkivanov.essenty:back-handler-iossimulatorarm64)")
 9. "com.arkivanov.essenty:instance-keeper (com.arkivanov.essenty:instance-keeper-iossimulatorarm64): 1.0.0" (was initially compiled with "com.arkivanov.essenty:instance-keeper (com.arkivanov.essenty:instance-keeper-iossimulatorarm64)")
10. "com.arkivanov.essenty:lifecycle (com.arkivanov.essenty:lifecycle-iossimulatorarm64): 1.0.0" (was initially compiled with "com.arkivanov.essenty:lifecycle (com.arkivanov.essenty:lifecycle-iossimulatorarm64)")
11. "com.arkivanov.essenty:parcelable (com.arkivanov.essenty:parcelable-iossimulatorarm64): 1.0.0" (was initially compiled with "com.arkivanov.essenty:parcelable (com.arkivanov.essenty:parcelable-iossimulatorarm64)")
12. "com.arkivanov.essenty:state-keeper (com.arkivanov.essenty:state-keeper-iossimulatorarm64): 1.0.0" (was initially compiled with "com.arkivanov.essenty:state-keeper (com.arkivanov.essenty:state-keeper-iossimulatorarm64)")
13. "com.arkivanov.essenty:utils-internal (com.arkivanov.essenty:utils-internal-iossimulatorarm64): 1.0.0" (was initially compiled with "com.arkivanov.essenty:utils-internal (com.arkivanov.essenty:utils-internal-iossimulatorarm64)")
14. "com.arkivanov.parcelize.darwin:runtime (com.arkivanov.parcelize.darwin:runtime-iossimulatorarm64): 0.1.3" (was initially compiled with "com.arkivanov.parcelize.darwin:runtime (com.arkivanov.parcelize.darwin:runtime-iossimulatorarm64)")
Let me know if anything looks off - either way i'll get a reproducer out soon
Can you try kotlin 1.8.0 and compose 1.3.0?
It seems that the issue is with the rememberRouter function. Where does it come from?
It's the same from this https://link.medium.com/83mAkw4q1xb
I mean in which module?
It's in a
module and consumed by
This looks like a bug in compose. You can also try making your rememberRouter function not inline.
So another try would be removing default argument values from that function.
managed to extract a reproducer for this issue here
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Shortly: The required symbol [ io.github.xxfast.krouter/rememberRouter|-3103101331561201202[0] <- local Local[<TP>,0 | TYPE_PARAMETER name:C index:0 variance: superTypes:[com.arkivanov.parcelize.darwin.Parcelable{ com.arkivanov.essenty.parcelable.Parcelable }] reified:false] ] is missing in the module or module dependencies. This could happen if the required dependency is missing in the project. Or if there is a dependency that has a different version (without the required symbol) in the project than the version (with the required symbol) that the module was initially compiled with.
had no luck with making
/ removing the default arguments 😕 Yeah you are right this most definitely looks like a compose-jb issue
Thanks, I will check tonight
Here are some updates. Basically, making the
function not inlined fixes the issue (and then the same issue happens with
). As a workaround, instead of
reified C
you can pass
KClass<out C>
. However, inlined functions worked fine for me. Most likely because I don't export the whole shared module to iOS. Instead, I have a separate tiny module for Compose iOS app. This module just integrates the root component and UI from the shared module, without exposing it I guess.
Most likely because I don't export the whole shared module to iOS. Instead, I have a separate tiny module for Compose iOS app
Do you mean something like this? Still seem to run into the same issue even then 🤔 let me try removing the inlines
Removed all the inline classes and it works 🙌🏻. I also ran into a few more similar issues (with
) so this definitely has nothing to do with decompose
I will raise a few issues on compose-jb and post the links here if you want to keep track - but this issue is now solved 👍 Thanks for all your help @Arkadii Ivanov
Thanks! Yes, this seems like a bug in Compose. However, it definitely works in my Compose iOS sample! Not sure what's the difference.
Thanks for filling the issue!