How do I build the Kotlin Std lib for the rp2040 t...
# compiler
How do I build the Kotlin Std lib for the rp2040 target? When trying to generate a static library file using
kotlinc-native -p static -target rp2040 src
the following error appears:
Copy code
warning: skipping /home/napperley/repos/kotlin/kotlin-native/dist/klib/common/stdlib. The target doesn't match. Expected 'rp2040', found [linux_x64]
error: could not find "stdlib" in [/home/napperley/vscode_projects/rp2040_hello, /home/napperley/.konan/klib, /home/napperley/repos/kotlin/kotlin-native/dist/klib/common, /home/napperley/repos/kotlin/kotlin-native/dist/klib/platform/rp2040]