Hi folks, a question about `mutableStateListOf()`...
# android
Hi folks, a question about
. add and remove on the list triggers succesful recompositions of the specific item, but changing the value at any index of this list does not trigger any recomposition. Been scratching my head at this. My
is keyed to a unique
coming in the data as well. So I am wondering what might be going wrong. Following is an example. Inside
Copy code
val list = mutableStateListOf<Messages>()

fun onMessageChanged(newMessage: Message) {
  val index = list.indexOf(newMessage) // returns correct index
  list[index] = newMessage // does not trigger recomposition
This looks like it is effectively setting newMessage[index] to the same value already there. Since the list itself is not actually changing a recomposition is likely not triggered. If you set the value at the index to a different value is a recomposition triggered?