I should share my excitement here. We finally did ...
# random
I should share my excitement here. We finally did it. After 7 years, 8 months, and 12 days after first adding Kotlin to the project, we have 100% Kotlin project K kodee happy There are no other languages in the project (excluding gradlew and gradlew.bat scripts and 1 more shell script) It was a long but pretty smooth road of migration, and most of this time, it was just the "do not touch old code" phase.
👏 5
👏🏾 1
K 18
nice, which project is that?
did you port to Kotlin other languages other than Java?
Nope, it was originally 100% java And of course build.gradle. We actually migrated to Kotlin DSL for Gradle only this year, it was about 400 modules to migrate (and cleanup it up of course, move more stuff to plugins, create own dsl for configuring modules etc)
💥 2