Hello everyone, I'm Gabriele! :wave: I'm conductin...
# gamedev
Hello everyone, I'm Gabriele! 👋 I'm conducting research on using Kotlin for game development. kodee floating Are you using Kotlin in your game development projects? Please react with the number corresponding to your tool: 1. LibGDX/KTX 2. Korge 3. Godot Kotlin/JVM 4. LittleKT 5. Tiny 6. Other Feel free to share your thoughts and projects in this thread. Otherwise, if you prefer a one-on-one conversation, don't hesitate to reach out to me—I'd love to talk! kodee happy Thank you for your time!
2️⃣ 2
1️⃣ 2
6️⃣ 4
👋 2
I played around with kotlin bindings in unreal awhile back with https://github.com/hiperbou/kotlin-unreal but it seems that project hasn't been touched since I last messed with it a year ago. It was really cool, but it was using unreal's JS bindings which was not the most performant thing in the world. You could probably get kotlin native working with it I imagine, which would be really cool I just didn't have the time to do all the initial setup for that. If someone made a good ready to go native binding that worked with unreal I'd probably start writing a game tomorrow, haha. It'd be so much more pleasant to use kotlin native over C++ with unreal. KorGE looks really cool and by far the most polished, but I'm curious what kind of performance impact there is with involving the JVM. I'm sure for simple stuff it's fine, but you wouldn't be able to achieve stuff like Unreal or even unity can.
kodee loving 1
Hi, I'm the kotlin-unreal developer (also kotlin-unity and kotlin-phaser projects. trying to get kotlin everywhere xD) I've done those projects on my free time (something I don't have anymore) but I've been developing HTML5 games using CreateJS and Kotlin at work since 2017.
Hi, I'm the kotlin-unreal developer (also kotlin-unity and kotlin-phaser projects. trying to get kotlin everywhere xD)
I've seen your projects, I liked your efforts of running Kotlin everywhere kodee loving
but I've been developing HTML5 games using CreateJS and Kotlin at work since 2017
Oh, so are you using Kotlin/JS to do so?
I played a bit with kool and it looks promising for 3D. I also tried using Godot Kotlin/JVM, but I had major stutters running the 3D demo. I think that’s because there’s an internal GC routine besides JVM’s GC. What I would really love, though, would be a way to replace Kotlin Native’s GC with a custom memory allocator so I could integrate the memory management with Godot. Regarding more feedback, I’d highly recommend talking to the Godot Kotlin/JVM maintainers (if you didn’t already) because Godot integration seems to be the quickest way to make games using Kotlin a reality.
@hiperbou would love to see/play these games. Is it possible for you to share them?
👍 1
@Gabriele Pappalardo Yes, we use Kotlin/JS for our games and our mobile apps (using Nativescript)
@hiperbou Are you using kotlin-js bindnings to use the CreateJs libs with Kotlin?
@Max We use createjs libs directly using the TypeScript definitions (d.ts files) converting those to koltin with ts2kt (you should use dukat these days). Also the designers use Adobe Animate wich has an option to export to CreateJs, and again we make the kotlin definitions using createjs-def + ts2kt. (we had to patch some things here and there, but that's basically it). So we basically have type-safe access to everything the designers made.
Why there is no lwjgl, I would say that's a base for many games, libgdx is a wrapper around it
LibGDX/KTX is a wrapper around LWJGL
yep, that what I say :). I just miss the best library of them all!
like if you are professional graphics developer, you will probably go with lower api like vulkan that is in lwjgl. Libgdx/ktx give only legacy opengl that is deprecated e.g on macos