what library for client-side HTTP requests would y...
# announcements
what library for client-side HTTP requests would you recommend for Kotlin?
We’re using http4k over apache http client. http4k uses the same API for incoming and outgoing requests, which is very handy when writing proxies, or even common utility code that can be applied to any http message
Alex - Are you referring to a HTTP client on the server-side?
@natpryce wow, thanks! for some reason searching for Kotlin http client libraries only revealed the Fuel library which we are currently using, but which is not actively maintained and gives us big surprises from time to time
@napperley not sure what is a HTTP client on a server side 🙂 Maybe there is a typo. What I mean is that I have a desktop application that needs talking to REST APIs over the network, and that I am looking for a Kotlin library to help me implement this part
hmmm, Retrofit uses annotations a lot
and that would mean that everything is hard-coded at compile time
in the project I am currently developing, the API interfaces should be built from random dynamically updated specs and should be made available in various scripting languages, like Lua and other
I am not sure how to tie this up with code on annotations
retrofit is extremely flexible
anyway you can use okhttp directly if you dont need rest client
Yeah! Gonna try Retrofit too. First-hand experience would be great!