Well, I've made Kotlin definitions of Phaser and t...
# gamedev
Well, I've made Kotlin definitions of Phaser and translated more than 550 examples to Kotlin https://github.com/hiperbou/kotlin-phaser Also, my other project allows to code with Kotlin in Unreal Engine 4 using a plugin called unreal.js (wich is a V8 for Unreal) https://github.com/hiperbou/kotlin-unreal
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I don't know a lot about unreal, but wouldn't it make more sense to wait for Kotlin-Native to mature and then use that?
Not at all 😄 Compile times with Unreal and C++ are high enough to drive you crazy... using Kotlin with Javascript increases productivity a lot.. also, enables to do things like live reloading of code.. when coding gameplay, it's really important iteration times..
I see.
cool projects Daniel! Ps: may be interesting a
mesh loader in kotlin?