hello all - I'm looking for a way to use github-wo...
# github-workflows-kt
hello all - I'm looking for a way to use github-workflows-kt as a standalone GH workflow YAML builder without Kotlin script or any of the file handling/checking aspects. is this an intended/supported use-case? my current approach is to pass in a fake file path for
and call toYaml with
addConsistencyCheck = false
. example:
Copy code
val wf = workflow(
    name = "test",
    on = listOf(Push()),
    sourceFile = Path("not-a-real-file")
) {
    job("test", runsOn = RunnerType.UbuntuLatest) {
        run(command = "echo 'Hello!'")

val yaml = wf.toYaml(addConsistencyCheck = false)

Hi Damien! what do you mean by “a standalone GH workflow YAML builder without Kotlin script”? Where do you put the Kotlin code that defines the workflow? Is it like: you generate the YAML and forget about the Kotlin code or keep it outside of the repo?
I'm working on a documentation generator that handles file generation, syncing and checking. at the moment I use it for generating markdown files but I'm experimenting to see if I can use it for Github workflows too. I was hoping to use
to handle the generation of YAML text and then handle the file side of things separately
I’ve actually always wanted to keep some order regarding the workflows, i.e. encourage keeping them next to the YAMLs. However, what you mention was touched when discussing support for writing the workflows from Gradle (cannot find the thread right now). Let me take a look at your code later this week, or let someone digest this use case
so from what I see, you intend to keep source for docs and now the GitHub workflows in a single place/using a single top-level DSL?
in general I’m open to making github-workflows-kt a stand-alone library that, once configured properly, doesn’t need git or the source file argument to work properly
let’s have a feature request for it and describe the details there
from quick thoughts: • make
optional • add a way to opt out from using git to figure out the repository root (used to be able to call the Kotlin script from any directory within the repository)
yes, that would be perfect for my use case! I wonder also whether the presence/absence of the consistency check should be configured entirely at the Workflow level rather than the `toYaml`call. at any rate, optional
to opt out of features that require it would be sufficient for me
that’s a good point, about moving the consistency check argument to
- feel free to cut a ticket for it as well!
great. are you happy for me to open both of these in Github issues?
yes please 🙏
I've just opened a ticket here: https://github.com/krzema12/github-workflows-kt/issues/656. thanks for the quick replies today!
@Damien O'Hara thanks! I’m eager to implement it sooner than later, but if you want to tackle it and contribute to the project, you could have it released as soon as this Friday (usual biweekly releases). Just let me know, any answer is fine
sounds good. I'll work on a PR this week and let you know how I go
thanks, I’ll review it somehow later this week
@Damien O'Hara merged, thanks! merged feel free to make the follow-up change with a custom preamble
I thought about customizing only the part with the instruction what to do to regenerate the YAML, so instead of
change the Kotlin source and regenerate this YAML file
we can render the provided string under e.g.
argument and default to what we have now. Does it make sense to you?
thanks for the speedy merge. re: custom preamble. I think for cases where file generation is being handled externally it would make sense to allow full control of the preamble, including the option of no preamble. this flexibility would promote full separation of concerns
got it, I’m fine with this - we could make the preamble customizable as well for
for consistency
I’ve seen people putting some copyright clauses, it would help with this use case as well
good idea. if you're happy with that approach I could work on the PR tomorrow
awesome! 🙂 here’s a separate issue for it: https://github.com/krzema12/github-workflows-kt/issues/660 so that we don't block the Friday's release on it
cool, let me know when it's ready to review (I assume draft can still change)
was feeling indecisive - I've marked it ready now
looks good, thanks! 🙇